Here are some great new shots from Jennifer Lawrence's VOGUE Magazine photoshoot.
Here's a bit from the interview:
Lawrence seems very aware that she’s a girl from Kentucky with uncanny talent who happens to be riding a huge wave. At one point back at Odeon, I asked her if she was enjoying Montreal. “A little bit. I mean . . . uh . . . yeah? Yes and no. It’s just that I’m still getting used to everything. It still makes me a little emotional, just to see how quickly everything kind of changes . . . that it changes so fast. So I’ve kind of been a big homebody lately. But I think eventually, one of these days, I guess when the next franchise starts and I’m not in it, and the new Jennifer Lawrence is born, then I’ll be able to go outside.”
In the meantime, she has no plans to slow down anytime soon. One of the projects she’s most excited about, she says, is producing the film version of Jeannette Walls’s blockbuster memoir The Glass Castle. When I mention that I’ve always thought of Walls as an old-fashioned forties throwback, with her coiffed red hair and big, toothy smile, she says, “Yes, those are the things I’m trying to take out of the movie.” I ask her to explain, and it turns out that Lawrence is going to bring some of her own true-grit authenticity to the part. “Jeannette wanted to fit in a polished world, so she’d shower all the time because she never felt clean,” Lawrence says. “I find that, to watch somebody for two hours, you want her to have a little dirt on her, to be a little tacky, you know? I feel like you like those people more.”
Read more over at vogue